Are you looking for an online travel outlet to advertise your destination, business, brand, or product? Are you located in small town USA? If so, we can help.
Worthy Detours is dedicated to helping travelers find often-overlooked locations on the back roads of America. Our focus is finding "cool places off the beaten path," but definitely worth the visit.
Although founded in 2020, Worthy Detours has years of experience in photographing, writing about, and traveling America’s back roads. We anticipate rapid readership growth through SEO and social media strategies. (Our audience numbers will be available soon.)
Here’s how we can help you:
Advertising Options:
Packages are available to market your brand, enticing travelers to visit your location. Options include:
- Sidebar Banner Ads – viewable on every blog post on our site. Ads are minimum 3-months term, and also include (1) sponsor welcome post.
- State Page Banner Ads – viewable just above the footer on state page where your business is located.
- Social Media Shares – This includes up to (2) Facebook and (4) Instagram promotions per campaign.
- Product Reviews – Provide us with your product and high-quality images for a 250-word review posted on our blog and shared on social media channels.
Worthy Detours reviews all promotions for relevance prior to posting. Reviews are reserved for products we have actually used in order for our excitement about your product to be genuine.
**Please note, we only sponsor or advertise for businesses that share the same standards and values as Worthy Detours and its owners.
To Advertise Your Destination with Us:
If your business fits within our niche and you want to advertise your destination with us, please fill in the form above. Be sure to include your telephone number for a call back.
Please email Jeanette to get our Media Kit and Rate Card.
Click HERE for information about Partnerships.
(Please note, only inquiries about the paid advertising options listed above will get a response.)